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  • Jack Frost and Big Boulder are two mountains that belong to the same company. They have the same website, www.jfbb.com.
  • Flying Fox group trip participants shall get the tickets inside the lodge at Jack Frost mountain.
  • The ticket you purchase at Jack Frost can be used at Big Boulder as well. Big Boulder has night skiing.
  • All lift tickets are good for the whole mountain and can be used at any lift, regardless of adult, youth, kid or the package (lift/rental/lesson). There are no restrictions.
  • Rental shop is outside the lodge.
  • There is no price difference for ski or snowboard rental. When you purchase rental, you don’t need to specify ski or snowboard. You just need to tell what you want when you pick up your equipment at the rental shop.
  • If you take rental from Jack Frost, you must return the rental to Jack Frost. If you want to continue to ski/snowboard at Big Boulder, you can use the same ticket to pick up the equipment at Big Boulder. No need to pay again.
Lessons offered by JFBB are exceptional. Same price for ski or snowboard lesson. So no need to specify when you purchase. If you include a lesson in your purchase, you can choose to take only one of the following two group lessons:
  • Beginner’s lesson – this is for novice skiers. The cycle of the beginner’s lesson runs for two hours starting at every hour, moving from one station to the next station based on your progress. You may return for a new lesson cycle if you feel necessary. So in another words, you have the whole day for your beginner’s lesson.
  • Advanced lesson – this is previously known as intermediate lesson. This is for anyone who skied before and no longer benefits from the beginner’s lesson. They will split the group based on your skiing capability. This lesson is offered at 10AM and 2PM (but you can take only one lesson per ticket), and it lasts for about 60-75 minutes. Meet the coach outside the ski school on the east side, 15 minutes before the start time. The coach/skiers ratio is 1 to 5. However, sometimes you can be lucky to have a 1 to 2 ratio.
  • SnowMonster is a 3-hour long program for ages 3-12. There are two sessions, AM session (9am-12) and PM session (1pm-4pm). Don’t be late – the program starts promptly at 9am and 1pm. The door will lock on time. It is located in the ski school building on the east side.
  • The program cost includes the lift ticket that is good for the whole day and the rental.
  • The price is $100 for weekend and holiday, and $90 for midweek. There is a premium product and therefore no discount for group. You shall register for SnowMonster program on your own by visiting www.jfbb.com.
  • To pick up the rental equipment, there are two choices. One is to pick it up from the rental shop on your own (this is particularly good for PM session buyers so that your child can spend some time on the snow in the morning). The other is to simply drop off your child at the SnowMonster program and their staff will help to get the equipment for your child (this is excellent choice for AM session as your arrival time in the morning might be tight).
  • You shall redeem the coupon for the snow pass on your own. Do not ask the trip leader for help on the redemption.

1. Family Style Whitewater Rafting

You will be with us for a total of 5 to 6 hours (3 to 4 hours will be on the river). 5 gallon buckets are available upon request from your guides to keep any snacks or drinks you bring dry. A complimentary riverside hotdog BBQ lunch is included in this trip weekends.

Website : http://www.poconowhitewater.com
Date : Most rafting events organized by FFCSC are on Sundays. Refer to the registration form for the exact date of the event.
Location : 1519 State Route 903 Jim Thorpe, PA, United States
Requirements: Children must be 4 years or older
Note : Guests are NOT allowed to wear slippers or flip flops, or go barefoot. Water shoes are recommended.

2. Gorge Whitewater Rafting

You will be with us for approximately 7 hours (4 to 5 hours will be on the river). You will stop for lunch on this trip however it is not complimentary. Our "River Lunches" are convenient and great for this whitewater trip. We have a variety of subs available daily. Simply stop by our kitchen the day of your trip and pick one up. Each raft is provided with a 5 gallon bucket to keep your "River Lunch" dry.

Website : http://www.poconowhitewater.com
Date : Most rafting events organized by FFCSC are on Sundays. Refer to the registration form for the exact date of the event.
Location : 1519 State Route 903 Jim Thorpe, PA, United States
Requirements: Children must be 8 years or older
Note : Guests are NOT allowed to wear slippers or flip flops, or go barefoot. Water shoes are recommended.

漂流 1 Family Style Whitewater Rafting

You will be with us for a total of 5 to 6 hours (3 to 4 hours will be on the river). 5 gallon buckets are available upon request from your guides to keep any snacks or drinks you bring dry. A complimentary riverside hotdog BBQ lunch is included in this trip weekends.

漂流link : http://www.poconowhitewater.com
漂流日期 : 参见活动报名表
漂流地点 : 1519 State Route 903 Jim Thorpe, PA, United States
要求 : 小孩最小4岁
注意事项: 不能光脚或穿拖鞋, 推荐watershoes

漂流 2 Gorge Whitewater Rafting

You will be with us for approximately 7 hours (4 to 5 hours will be on the river). You will stop for lunch on this trip however it is not complimentary. Our "River Lunches" are convenient and great for this whitewater trip. We have a variety of subs available daily. Simply stop by our kitchen the day of your trip and pick one up. Each raft is provided with a 5 gallon bucket to keep your "River Lunch" dry.

漂流link : http://www.poconowhitewater.com
漂流日期 : 参见活动报名表
漂流地点 : 1519 State Route 903 Jim Thorpe, PA, United States
要求 : 小孩最小8岁
注意事项 : 不能光脚或穿拖鞋, 推荐watershoes

  • 我们严格遵守漂流公司对于最小年龄的限制,Gorge Whitewater Dam Release trip 要求8岁以上,Family Style Trip 要求 4岁以上。请不要带年龄不符合要求的孩子参加不适合他们的活动。漂流还是有一定风险。并不是会游泳的就有能力在紧急情况下有自救意识和Common Sense。年龄小的孩子,即便有一些水性,也可能出意外。
  • 在漂流开始前,我们的向导会给我们一个关于安全的说明。请大家届时一定认真听,有不懂得地方千万不要不好意思问。问清楚才能确保自己和家人的安全。我这里先给大家分享一些我个人的经验:首先坐在筏子里时尽量将脚伸到筏子横梁下面,当筏子在激流中颠簸的时候,是要靠脚钩住,才不容易落水。一旦落水,首先是不要慌张,等浮上水面后,保持脸朝上身体要尽量伸展漂浮在水面上,不要试图在水里站立和行走,因为水下的石头有可能卡住你的脚,那样更加危险。因为有救生衣,所以身体不会下沉,会有后面来的筏子将你救起。
  • 我们参加的这个漂流河段还不到Class 4,所以不要求戴头盔。但如果您担心孩子或自己万一落水后有头碰到石头的危险,也可以考虑戴上可漏水的骑行用轻便型头盔。这个请自己按照情况定夺。如果你落水后发现自己是头朝前被水流带走,无法看到自己前方是否有石头时,可以将手抱住头已作为保护。在这个河段的水流速度下,还不是很容易发生头破血流的情况。请大家不必慌张。我们参加的这个公司带出去的漂流人次无数,还没有发生过重大事故。
  • 参加漂流的大人及孩子绝对不可以穿拖鞋,或者任何不跟脚的鞋子。一旦落水,鞋可能丢失,脚容易被水下的石头划破,而且在陆地上走路也会很扎脚,所以请务必穿不容易脱落的水鞋或一双旧的旅游鞋。
  • 戴眼镜的朋友,请一定用绳子把眼镜腿在脑后拴好,以免脱落落水。
  • 带手机的朋友,请购买防水手机套,确保万一手机落水不会进水。照相还是得用防水相机。防水手机套会有水雾,照出来的效果欠佳。
  • Gorge Style Rafting是不包括午餐的。请自己准备,或在漂流公司的Deli 购买,需要提前打电话。建议以三明治为主,既方便吃,不怕冷,又有足够的蛋白质,以补充能量。Gorge Trip消耗体力多,尽量带能量高的食品,Energy Bar和Energy Drink。
  • Family Style Rafting 包午餐,有烤的热狗,色拉,水果,饮料,资助式,足够吃饱。漂流期间带够水,漂流公司提供可以密封不进水的大塑料桶用来储存食物和水。
  • 车钥匙建议挂在漂流公司商店的墙上,不要随身携带,以免落水丢失。挂在那里的车钥匙,从来没有出过车主被偷窃或车辆被损伤的先例,所以不用担心这样做的安全性。
  • GPS输1519 State Route 903, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229
  • 每个船4-6人, 如2家庭需要一起, 请自己组合。Max 6 people per boat. But at least one experienced person sit at back to control boat. 否则很容易翻船。
  • 漂流的时候一定注意防晒!最好穿上长袖的尼龙衣服.
  • 水流急的时候坐在船底才安全,万一翻船,不要紧张,漂流公司至少有四名随队救生员在场。通常水流湍急,要坐到船底,手抓紧橡皮船上的绳子。
  • 在Boulder Field Trail 的南边的Hawk Falls. 可以去Camping Site office 拿一张地图。在Route 534 靠近PA Turnpike.
  • 如在活动中遇到纠纷, 请参照飞狐管理团队的建议:
    1. 如果碰到一些情况,及时向领队反映;虽然协会没有权力做处置,但是会当场尽力帮助寻找最有效的解决方案。
    2. 如果觉得自己的权益和人身受到侵犯,应该及时报警,同时保留证据寻找证人,息事宁人的想法。
    3. 不做没有依据的猜测;飞狐的名誉需要大家来维护,也希望大家珍惜。
    4. 如果找不到领队或其他飞狐负责人,可以直接找漂流公司的经理和员工,他们在处理顾客纠纷上应该更有经验。

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Jack Frost Ski Resort